Blue and Green Drop Project Report 2024
The 2024 blue drop results show an alarming increase in unsafe municipal drinking water, with 13% of blue drop tests across the country that point to unsafe drinking water. The drinking water of 28 towns
The 2024 blue drop results show an alarming increase in unsafe municipal drinking water, with 13% of blue drop tests across the country that point to unsafe drinking water. The drinking water of 28 towns
Hathli is sub-tributary of river Beas in outer Himalayas. It is getting polluted due to wastewater of Hamirpur town in Himachal Pradesh, India. The pollution impact is severest in the low flow months. Steep slopes, pools, riffles and small waterfalls thus characterize the stream. the streambed consists of stones and cobbles.
Lakes are usually an integral part of a drainage basin. Lakes are either fresh water or salt water lakes. Kolleru lake is the largest freshwater lake in South India. Various physical and chemical inputs manifested through the hydrology of the catchment area will affect the quality and quantity of lake water.
Ten different trace metals in Gagan river water at thirteen different sites in and around Moradabad were estimated by ICP-AES technique and the data was compared with water quality standards prescribed by WHO. River was found to be excessively contaminated for copper, iron, lead concentrations and moderately contaminated for nickel and cadmium.
Ram Ganga river water at 10 different sites at Moradabad were collected and analysed at pre monsoon period and after the onset of monsoon following standard methods of sampling and testing. River water is found to be contaminated with reference to almost all the physico-chemical parameters studied at almost all the sites of sampling for pre-monsoon period as well as after the onset of monsoon.
Water scarcity in a Faridkot village
dhaka protests: Bangladesh recently lodged an official protest with India claiming that it had received much less water from the Ganga river than was agreed upon during the Farakka talks. Dhaka said
China and Russia will jointly monitor cross-border rivers to ensure water quality. An agreement on the issue was recently signed in Bejing, following a meeting between Russian President Vladimir
After the richer locals leased land/water from the poor cooperatives in the 1970s in Kolleru in Andhra Pradesh, the land has remained in the name of poor "beneficiaries", while the real fisherfolk work on meagre wages.
Water conflicts in India have now percolated to every level. They are aggravated by the relative paucity of frameworks, policies and mechanisms to govern use of water resources. This collection of articles, part of a larger compendium, is an attempt to offer analyses of different aspects of water conflicts that plague India today.
New legislation for bathing areas in Europe