Blue and Green Drop Project Report 2024
The 2024 blue drop results show an alarming increase in unsafe municipal drinking water, with 13% of blue drop tests across the country that point to unsafe drinking water. The drinking water of 28 towns
The 2024 blue drop results show an alarming increase in unsafe municipal drinking water, with 13% of blue drop tests across the country that point to unsafe drinking water. The drinking water of 28 towns
Khulna Water and Sanitation Forum on Thursday called for ensuring safe drinking water and sanitation for the city dwellers.
They both have the same names, worked as bankers, were in the same college, worked in the same city of Phuentsholing for some time and are also good friends.
High concentrations of chlorine being used to purge salmonella from a southern Colorado town's water system were expected to drop far enough Saturday that residents could use the water for showering.
Central Water Commission is a premier Technical Organization of India in the field of Water Resources and is presently functioning as an attached office of the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India.
WAFED is an independent national network of people affected by water and energy projects as well as of local concerned groups in Nepal. Some of its members are individual activists engaged in the field
WaterAid began its water, sanitation and hygiene work in Nepal in 1987 and now works with seven partner organisations in the country. Our activities with them are vital as approximately a third of all
PSU is a policy support unit (PSU) of the Policy Implementation and Arsenic Section (WS-3) of the Water Supply Wing of the Local Government Division advising LGD on sector development and specifically
The vast sums of money spent, the various engineering interventions, the many city master plans and the instituting of various river commissions have had little or no impact on improving the Bagmati and
<p>From water to water - If there are humans, there will be excreta. If there is water use, there will be waste. Roughly 80 per cent of the water that reaches households in Indian cities flows out as waste.</p>
<p>2015 is a pivotal year for water issues globally. To celebrate #WorldWaterDay, UNDP, UN-Water and SIWI - in partnership with One Water project at University of Miami, have produced a film on water and