
Down To Earth

  • Tribals in danger

    Miners have once again encroached upon the land allotted to the Yanomami, South America's largest surviving tribe of forest Indians. The miners have been ordered on three previous occasions to

  • Land for aborigines

    AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Paul Keating dismissed fears that the concept of giving aborigines title to native land could put the country's agriculture and mining industries at risk. Keating was


    THREE months have passed since the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation adopted the Dhaka Declaration pledging to alleviate poverty drastically in the region. However, the United Nations

  • Bickering hinders resolution

    Bickering hinders resolution

    A recent meeting on biological diversity failed to establish ground rules for implementation, as the participating nations were totally unwilling to yield.

  • Bleak future

    Bleak future

    THE FUTURE of the windmill industry in Britain appears bleak now that Taylor Woodrow, the proprietor of the Wind Energy Group (WEG), plans to withdraw. Woodrow, one of the leading players in this

  • Bench mark

    AS CHINA prepares to enter a market economy, it is busy putting its house in order. Two specialist courts will be set up in the key commercial centre of Shanghai to handle trademark and copyright


    Under the "Clean up the World" project -part of the UN environment programme -a clean-up campaign is being organised in Nepal's Kathmandu valley between September 15-17. The Nepal-Australia



    Environment seems to be a low priority for Hong Kong. Even as its economy prospers with little government interference, years of neglect of the environment are leaving visible scars. one of the


    Teenagers in Hong Kong are eating their way to sickness. They are more prone to allergic diseases than their counterparts in other Asian countries. A study says that Hong Kong has the highest


    In the wake of the recent ecological disaster caused by the Marcopper Mining Corp, mining companies in the Philippines are bending backwards to convince skeptics that they have adopted

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