
Down To Earth


    The lions of Serengeti National Park in anzania must be cured of canine distemper. Veterinarians working with the Institute of Zoology in London and the various national parks in the



    The Cote of Ivoire government has taken a long overdue step to check heedless deforestation. In mid-September, the Forest Protection Council instituted a ban on the export of all

  • People's legacy

    CONSERVATIONISTs have for long emphasised the need for the participation of indigenous communities in biodiversity conservation efforts (Down To Earth, Vol 4, No 15). A us $83 million World Bank



    Lying at the heart of Africa's largest and last belt of rainforest is the Minkette equatorial forest, which is home to Gabon's pygmies. But environmentalists fear that it may soon


    The cotton industry in the country is poised for a big boost after passing through decades of slump in production. As part of the revival plan, the government will give land to large investors.


    The sea of Senegal is bearing the brunt of overfishing and pollution. The fishing policy of the European Union has worsened the problem of overfishing in these waters. The eu trawlers are


    Sri Lanka, the world's top tea exporter, is going all guns to promote tea as a health drink and as an alternative to soft drinks. Ranjith Maligaspe, director-general of the Sri Lanka Tea Board,


    The beleaguered people of Central Africa are in for more trouble. The Food and Agricultural Organization ( fao ) has warned that the strife-torn countries in this region will have to increase

  • China

    China has launched its first ever agricultural survey which involved 230 million rural households in approximately 800,000 villages. The survey, said He Huanyan, an official with the national


    South African President, Nelson Mandela, recently called upon the global community to act together to wipe out aids, which is wreaking havoc on nations all over the world. "As the freedom of each

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