
Down To Earth

  • Diverse uses

    An international conference on "Using Diversity" was organised by the South Asian office of the International Development Research Centre in New Delhi between June 19-21, 1995. The main focus of the


    A consortium of4 NGOs has set up this Himalayan kingdom's first community radio - 'Radio Everest' - to spread messages related to development, environmental protection and cultural harmony. If the



    More than 325 mil- lion gallons of deadly cyanide waste spilled recent- ly into the Essequibo, central Guyana's biggest river, killing thousands of fish and forcing the government to adopt emergency

  • PERU


    The people living in the harsh semi-arid mountainous region in Peru's Vilconata Valley are finally savouring the outcome of their labours: the fresh vegetables and fruits which they grew

  • CUBA

    Excessive tourism Development is pcoving to be on Cuban environment A major bug msem is the con of a stone bridge dw mainland with on I cays or rand or sand. "It's dw immediate so dw



    Caribbean agriculture has been laid low by a large variety of pests and a series of hurricanes and drought. "We have a crisis in agriculture in the Caribbean," admits Hayden Blades,


    The Royal-Bardia National Park in Nepal is poised to prove to the world that biodiversity is best protected when the people are made responsible for it. The country representative of the World


    The controversial Omai gold mine, which began operations after a six- month shut down, has drawn4p plans to increase its gold output by 24,000 ounces by the end of this year. Next year, its


    The country seems to have become wiser in environmental matters after a dam rupture in thd Omai gold mine last Augusti resulted in the spillage of three million cu m of cyanW-contaminated

  • PERU

    Mobil, the oil company, may be putting at risk the lives of hundreds of Amazonian tribespeople with the massive search for oil it is about to launch in Peru's southern rainforests. The company

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