Mountaintop mining fact book
Mountaintop mining (MTM) is a surface mining technique that is
Mountaintop mining (MTM) is a surface mining technique that is
This analysis uses input-output analysis to examine the economic contributions of U.S. mining in terms of output, employment, payroll, personal income and payroll taxes. For the purpose of this analysis, the U.S. mining includes the mining of coal, uranium, metal ores, stone quarrying, sand and gravel and other nonmetallic minerals. It excludes oil and natural gas extraction.
The United States needs a robust minerals production industry to help meet the needs of American consumers. Unfortunately, America is ceding to others the responsibility for meeting the minerals needs. Increased import dependency created by lack of U.S. mineral development is not in the national interest and causes a multitude of negative consequences, including aggravation of the U.S.