

  • Minister for increase in healthcare outlay

    West Bengal State health minister Dr. Suryakanta Misra called for a lowering of expenditure on human resources and increased investment on medical equipment. The minister was delivering the inaugural

  • Project to protect street children

    The thronging population of street children in Chennai, a 'high risk' group, will be the target of a specific intervention programme launched by the Chennai AIDS Prevention and control Society. For

  • 40 odd gutkha factories will be shut

    Taking the decision was a difficult step, but implementing it is proving to be the toughest part. Although the DF government in the state took a bold decision to ban gutkha and paan masala, citizens

  • Futile ban

    The Maharashtra government's ban on gutka and paan masala - which is likely to be copied other states is a recognition of the great danger to public health posed by the consumption of these additive

  • Turbid water being supplied to many areas

    Various parts of Karachi city have been getting muddy water for a fortnight. Describing the quality of water currently being supplied to various parts of the metropolis as 'unhygienic' and 'impure' ,

  • Nawabshah prone to water-borne disease

    A large number of people in this district have been suffering from water-borne disease and doctors have attributed the cause to the contaminated water being supplied from Gujra Wah. Dr Ali Akbar

  • All bottled water may not be pure

    The Delhi state government's prevention of food adulteration department has detected adulteration in seven samples of bottled water. These samples were picked from various places in the

  • Water in Murree unfit for human consumption

    Water available in Murree (Pakistan) has been found to be contaminated and as such unfit for human consumption, a report of the tests, conducted by the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED),

  • Babies living in apartments vulnerable to rickets

    Paediatricians in Karachi (Pakistan) have warned parents about the increased risk to their kids of falling victims to rickets caused due to lack of adequate exposure to sunlight. The data recently

  • 91 pc of Nepalis use iodised salt

    Nepal ranks in second position among SAARC member countries in terms of the use of iodised salt. About 91 per cent of people of Nepal consume iodised salt compared to 97 percent of people of Bhutan

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