

  • Valet of the brain

    Valet of the brain

    A COMMON charge against the British is that they have sex on their minds more than anywhere else. Now, scientists would have us believe, the Brits were right all along. Recent research indicates that

  • Thorp gets the nod

    MUCH to the dismay of environmentalists in the UK, British Nuclear Fuels has been given a go-ahead for its Thorp plant by the High Court. The decision marks the end of a long battle between the

  • Bangladeshi beacon

    THE Grameen Bank - a rural credit scheme in Bangladesh - is making waves. The bank, the brainchild of economist Muhammad Yunus, advances loans to the poorest sections of the society and reached

  • Powr games

    Powr games

    BRITAIN is having a hard time reconciling its business interests and its self-professed environmental concerns. Although the British firm GEC-Alsthom has supplied turbine generators for China's Daya

  • Death of a king

    Death of a king

    A street play in Delhi urges people to stop poaching.

  • A life of perseverance

    A life of perseverance

    EVERY child has been fed the story of Isaac Newton's discovery of universal gravitation. But what is not told is that this idea did not come to Newton as a flash of insight. Treating the discovery as

  • Flying high

    LUFTHANSA airlines of Germany has been conferred the "Stratospheric ozone protection award" by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the US. EPA recognised the airline as the first in the

  • Anything for water

    Anything for water

    There is increasing likelihood that by the early 21st century, water and not energy will claim the primary focus of world attention. There are substitutes for energy other than depleting fossil fuels

    • 30/01/1994

  • Gattastrophic aid

    EVEN AS the developed world congratulates itself on the Uruguay round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Third World countries are trying to come to terms with what has been left

  • Pakistan adamant

    PAKISTAN will not abandon its nuclear programme until there is an agreement to make the entire region a nuclear weapons free zone, said the country's foreign minister Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali during a

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