Pricing forest carbon
Pricing forest carbon and putting in place the means and channels to pay for it are necessary conditions to achieve the 2030 mitigation goals. Yet, after more than 15 years of discussion, payments for
Pricing forest carbon and putting in place the means and channels to pay for it are necessary conditions to achieve the 2030 mitigation goals. Yet, after more than 15 years of discussion, payments for
Organic agriculture, as an adaptation strategy to climate change and variability, is a concrete and promising option for rural communities and has additional potential as a mitigation strategy. This article is a short review of this topic.
Grasslands occupy about half of the emerged ice free world, make up approximately 70 percent of the world
Could reviving the ancient technique of charcoal making really solve the global food crisis, halt deforestation and lock up carbon dioxide for good? Chris Goodall sifts fact from myth on biochar.
This report highlights the arguments necessary to showcase the adaptive potential of pastoralism to climate change and to promote investment in pastoral areas in East Africa.
Companies that will survive and thrive are those that quickly realign their corporate infrastructure to the expectation of a low carbon economy. This report offers guidance to companies to realign their climate change strategies to a low-carbon economy, anticipate and meet new market demands and make make long-term investment decisions that factor in climate risks.
In the present study, the storage and sequestration of carbon is described for leguminous trees (Cassia siamia, Dalbergia sissoo) vs. non-leguminous tree (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) in red lateritic soil of Chhattisgarh.
Among the global common concerns, climate change has been identified as the most important environmental challenge facing humanity. Emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons are identified as green house gases causing warmth of earth globally. Of these CO2 alone accounts for 60 per cent share.
It is being increasingly realized that the forests play a critical role in global carbon cycle and after significant potential to capture carbon and thus could play important role in climate change mitigation.
The distinguished climate scientist James E Hansen from NASA along with an interdisciplinary group of nine renowned scientists have put in a recent research paper titled 'Target Atmospheric CO : Where Should 2 Humanity Aim?'.They have issued a re-assessment of earlier climate change predictions.
Once considered too expensive, as well as too damaging to the land, exploitation of Alberta's oil sands is now a gamble worth billions.