

  • Sindh farmers want wheat procurement target raised

    The Sindh Chamber of Agriculture (SCA) on Sunday asked the government to increase wheat procurement target from 25 per cent to 40 per cent. The chamber's senior vice-president Dr Shahnawaz Shah said at a meeting at the Agriculture Complex that the government should pay growers an additional Rs40 for each 40 kilogrammes of wheat from its own funds to help them offset the high cost of fertilisers and pesticides. The meeting observed that the poor growers would suffer huge losses as the cost of production was much higher than the government's procurement rate of Rs510 per maund and demanded that the procurement offices should be established at union council level and the mode of payment to growers should be simplified. The growers called upon the newly-elected members of the national and provincial assemblies to take up the issue of sugarcane at the first session of assemblies and adopt resolutions against the excesses of sugar mill owners. They demanded that assemblies should ensure that the growers were paid the official rate of Rs63 per 40 kg and pointed out that the cane's production in the province had dropped by 20 per cent due to sugar mill owners' highhandedness and reduced price. Anwar Bachani, Mir Imdad Talpur, Mohammad Khan Sarejo and Nawaz Ali Samejo were among the participants of the meeting. HCCI: The president of the Hyderabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry Haji Mohammad Yaqoob on Sunday criticised raids on glass bangle factories by the officials of labour department and said it had seriously hurt the business. He said after meeting a delegation of the office-bearers of Glass Bangle Association that if bangle manufacturing units were closed due to harassment, thousands of workers including a large number of would lose their jobs. He said that the additional director and joint director of labour usually raided factories sometime before morning prayers, which was adversely affecting the production process. Under the relevant labour laws, the officials were supposed to visit the factories only once a year and they were creating harassment by conducting raids on a daily basis, he said. In a separate statement to press, the HCCI president demanded that the government should take back raise in the prices of petrol, diesel and electricity. Increase in power tariff would deal a serious blow to agricultural and industrial production and raise in oil prices would further ratchet up transport fare and prices of other essential items, he said. The cost of industrial production would shoot up considerably due to increase in the prices of petrol, diesel and electricity, which in turn would lead to hyperinflation, he observed. He said that the country was in the grip of energy crisis and urged the government to formulate short term and long term policies to tackle the problem.

  • Rs 213 cr to be spent on subsidised wheat-rice to BPL families

    Over 45-lakh BPL families would be given wheat and rice at subsidised rates of Rs 3 and Rs 4.50 per kg, respectively from April this year. The rate would be Rs 2 less than the prescribed rates.

  • Scientists on high alert to combat threat of wheat fungus

    Wheat scientists are on high alert to combat any threat of UG99 wheat fungus.

  • Movement of wheat worsens situation in Dadu

    Flour crisis has intensified in Dadu and Jamshoro districts due to shortage of wheat as food officials reportedly shifted 11,000 wheat bags to Karachi and Hyderabad.

  • Caretaker government blamed for irrigation water shortage

    Various farmers/agriculturist bodies have accused the caretaker government of releasing 600,000 acre feet of water in January from the reservoirs to produce electricity instead of conserving it for cr

  • Govt urged to end Sindh-Punjab water controversy

    Awami Tehrik chief Rasool Bux Palijo urged the newly-elected government on Thursday to appoint an international and impartial commission of water experts to help solve the perennial dispute among prov

  • Wheat, oils & pulses likely to get cheaper in a global village

    FOR India, the crash in global commodity prices comes as an answer to a prayer.

  • Hooda pats own back

    Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda today said Haryana had acquired the number one position in the country with per capita investment of Rs 78,709, as per a survey conducted recently by the Centre fo

  • Agricultural income and its distribution in Bihar

    Bihar is a predominantly agricultural State with 86 per cent of her population depending upon agriculture. In my study of the National Income of Bihar published in the Indian Journal of Economics, July

  • Precision observations on weather and crops

    <p>Earlier researches have shown that forecasts of crop acreage and yields can be made on the basis of weather factors. Where adequate data exist such forecasts may be more accurate than those arrived

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