

  • 16 power projects underway in Balochistan

    As many as 91 projects in water sector were being implemented while 16 electricity supply schemes were underway in various parts of Balochistan, official sources told APP here on Sunday. These projects aimed at providing clean drinking water and electricity supply facilities to the people in the province, the sources said, adding that the government would construct 54 more small dams in different districts aimed at resolving water scarcity problems in the province.

  • Traders flout energy conservation drive

    The energy saving drive of the government found little favour with traders in the city on Monday, as markets remained open beyond the stipulated time on the first working day of the week. While people have been suffering degenerating power supply with prolonged and nightlong power outages since Sunday night the situation was not so encouraging amid blazing heat in 34 degrees Celsius with 72 per cent humidity. Various residential areas across the city were hit by prolonged and unannounced power outages of up to 10 hours from late Sunday night till Monday evening.

  • Pakistan Puts Clocks Forward, Hopes To Save Power

    Pakistan put its clocks forward an hour on Sunday while shops have been ordered to close early as the country struggles with an acute electricity shortage. Setting clocks forward by an hour, to six hours ahead of GMT, should enable the country to take advantage of an extra hour of daylight in the evenings and save power. Shopping centres have also been ordered to close at 9 p.m. (1500 GMT) from Sunday while government offices have been told not to turn on the air conditioning for the first three hours of the working day.

  • 5000 megawatts power generation plant to be set up in Multan

    The Director General (DG), Wapda, Tahir Basharat Cheema has said that government, using coal as fuel, is planning to set up 5000 MW power generation plant within the next few years. He said this while speaking at a ceremony arranged by Multan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He said that the country's survival largely depends on proper use of its coal reserves. '184 billion tonnes of coal reserves were available in Thar area alone', Cheema said. He expressed concern over the fact that Pakistan was generating only 0.1 percent electricity from coal.

  • Managing the crisis

    Most of the southern and western States, and even the normally surplus States in the north-east, are now going through a major power crisis. Power generation has suffered because of poor hydel storage, thanks to a truant monsoon. Compounding the problem, States that usually come to the help of large consumers in such a predicament have themselves run into difficulties in thermal generation on account of vagaries in coal supply. As a result, States like Maharahstra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Kerala have to contend with a major shortage.

  • US towns get creative as fuel costs bite

    Police are doing more patrolling on bikes here, while elsewhere across America small towns are taking unusual measures to rein in rising energy costs. One Connecticut town plans to put century-old dams back to work generating electricity, while other communities are telling workers to turn off their vehicles when stopped, instead of letting them idle. Gasoline and heating oil prices have soared, electricity has grown more expensive and health-care costs keep rising, prompting municipalities to do what they can to cut costs.

  • Energy statistics 2007

    Proper energy planning is essential for achieving energy security. Every country has to formulate its own policy to optimize the use of different energy sources for meeting the demands of its household, agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors. This necessitates an integrated and updated database of the production and consumption of different energy sources viz., coal, crude, petroleum, natural gas and electricity (hydro and nuclear). The present issue, "Energy Statistics 2007', is the 15th issue in the series.

  • Energy cooperation in South Asia

    South Asia being an energy-deficit region, there is a strong case for developing regional cooperation in this sector. This may take different forms. India has surplus petroleum refining capacity while other countries in the region are importers of petroleum products. The real benefits will accrue from cooperation in power generation.

  • India energy conclave 2007

    The India Energy Conclave 2007 would focus on the preparedness of the Indian energy sector to keep up with the rapidly growing Indian economy. It will focus on a wide range of topics of interest to stakeholders. It would cover both conventional and non-conventional energy and focus on policy, power, coal, gas and technology.

  • Annual energy outlook 2008

    The Annual Energy Outlook 2008 (AEO2008) presents projections and analysis of US energy supply, demand, and prices through 2030. The projections are based on results from the Energy Information Administration's National Energy Modeling System. The AEO2008 includes the reference case, additional cases examining energy markets, and complete documentation.

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