

  • Flying kites ground birds from city sky

    A sport favoured by the nawabs and synonymous with Independence Day celebrations, kite-flying is not just about artful deceit or one-upmanship games. It means sharp thread injuries and loss of

  • Chattisgarh gives clean chit to Parbati Barua

    The Chattisgarh Government has given a clean chit to noted Assamese elephant expert Parbati Barua who has been at the centre of a controversy surrounding the death of a young captured elephant

  • 'Animal trophies' declared in Meghalaya

    Opportunity is being provided under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, as amended, for declaring those legitimately procured captive animal, animal article trophy and uncured trophy specified in

  • Naxalites pose a threat to Jharkhand wildlife

    Of late the Naxalite menace is being felt by forest department officials, which is exposing Jharkhand's wildlife to the threat of poachers. Most of the forest officials posted in Naxalite-infested

  • Polar bear in Tibet?

    It is high season for spotting strange animals in China, and polar bears have now allegedly been observed in Tibet, where the species has never ventured before, state media reported. The sightings,

  • Matara ganga' crocodiles kill 13

    The famed crocodiles of the "Matara ganga" have shed their folklore innocence and are driving fear into the residents of the lower reaches of the Nilwala Oya in Akuressa (Sri Lanka) by turning into

  • Judge upholds elephant suit against ringling bros

    Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus must defend itself against allegations that it mistreats elephants. Without ruling on the issues, a federal judge declined to dismiss a 3-year-old lawsuit

  • Trapped in a charm

    Millions of birds, lizards, and wild animals are tortured to death in India for amulets and magic potions. Nakhas, Lucknow, has a huge illegal market for wild birds and animals. Nothing is spared,

  • Whale of a problem

    Before men began to hunt whales for profit, the whale population was six to eight times higher than scientists previously believed, according to a new and politically sensitive study. Although a 1986

  • Enumeration of rare fauna

    The problem with counting rare animals, is that they can be very hard to spot. The science of counting animal populations remains primitive. The main problem is that indirect counting - counting the

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