India's political parties
A study of democracy is incomplete without a study of one of its most fundamental components—political parties. In India, works on the country’s political parties so far have explored, among other things,
A study of democracy is incomplete without a study of one of its most fundamental components—political parties. In India, works on the country’s political parties so far have explored, among other things,
karnataka's decade-old plan for creating a Greater Bangalore entity has finally got a fillip with the state government's recent go-ahead for the merger of seven city municipal councils (cmcs), one
Other local associations can also manage watersheds effectively
Democracy of the people, by the people and for the people . Madhya Pradesh takes the lead
A microhydel project a day. Communities snatch the initiative from the government to electrify rural Nepal
Whether it is Asia or Europe, countries find a new mantra: decentralise and electrify
Nightmarish laws and an insensitive government keeps thousands in the dark
For the country where only 15 per cent of its population have access to electricity, Nepal has come a long way. It took 84 years to achieve power generation of 250 megawatt. And only five years to add a whopping 125 megawatt through microhydels, an incr
India with its deplorable rural roads can learn a lesson from Madagascar, which has successfully implemented a decentralised system of constructing roads
Kerala s decentralisation programme is an example of the difference a strong civil society can make
Pressured by a highly active civil society, the Kerala state government is actually giving power to the people. The decentralisation theory has been turned on its head. People get the money first, and then build the infrastructure to govern themselves. Bu