

  • First U.S. station element to be launched Dec. 3

    NASA program managers set Dec. 3 as the official launch date for the STS-88 mission aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour. This is the first Shuttle mission dedicated to the assembly of the International

  • Eco-friendly boat pain could stop water pollution

    Japanese researchers have developed an environmentally-friendly boat hull coating that could provide an alternative to paints suspected of polluting waterways with hormone-disrupting chemicals.

  • Glitches reported in space station

    The five day old International Space Station has developed three small malfunctions, but they will not prevent it from docking with its next module early next month, the head of the Russian space

  • Robots get angry and emotional

    The first robot that can sense and show emotions is being developed as the ultimate interactive toy. The machine has been christened Kismet by its creator Cynthia Breazeal. She claims it will lead to

  • Paper from banana stalks

    A new technology to tranform stalks of banana plant into high-quality paper, rope, cardboard and twine has been developed by Australian researchers. It is based on an ancient egyptian technique of

  • Russia tests new missile

    After a failed launch in October, Russia successfully test-fired a new missile Topol-M that's expected to serve as the heart of its long-range missile forces in coming

  • Cars recycle their plastic waste

    Automobile manufacturers in France, in association with steel and plastic manufacturers, have developed new recycling technologies to use automobile scraps. Now, only 75 per cent of each vehicle can

  • Satellite substitute

    The concept of a solar powered aircraft that roams the upper atmosphere inches one step closer to reality this week. On Nov. 19, NASA will for the first time publicly test launch Centurion, a

  • Initial piece of space station is lofted

    A Russian rocket boosted the first piece of an international space station into orbit in a smooth start to an ambitious international engineering project. This was the first of dozens of launchings

  • HP unveils new storage tool

    Hewlett Packard (HP) plans to tap the vast market for storage products among the large companies in the world through its Storage Area Network (SAN) management systsm launched recently. In India,

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