Govt to provide panels at subsidized rate
Indore: In order to motivate people to install solar panels in their homes, the state government has come up with a scheme of subsidies. People, who will apply for solar panel producing two kilowatt solar
Indore: In order to motivate people to install solar panels in their homes, the state government has come up with a scheme of subsidies. People, who will apply for solar panel producing two kilowatt solar
Likely in Parliament this week; FoodMin draft accepted without changes; CCEA defers decision on levy sugar The Union Cabinet today cleared the revised and much-discussed National Food Security Bill (NFSB), paving the way for its introduction in the ongoing Budget session of Parliament. If enacted, this would provide a legal entitlement for cheap grain to about two-thirds of India’s population, at five kg monthly for each person. Rice will be provided at a uniform Rs 3 a kg (market price over Rs 20 a kg), wheat at Rs 2 a kg (market price Rs 16 a kg) and coarse cereals at Re 1 a kg.