
Governance And Institutions

  • Public Hearings: Who's Listening?

    During the independence struggle, morchas fuelled mass movements. In the 80s, staging dharna a la patkar was a form of popular option. Now the Indian grassroots movement has moved to Public

  • Education Study Finds U.S. Lagging

    Teachers in the United States earn less relative to national income than their counterparts in many industrialized countries, yet they spend far more hours in front of the classroom, according to a

  • Initiative on Universal primary education

    A joint initiative aimed at the universalisation of primary education has been launched by the Karnataka Government and the Azim Premji Foundation. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) giving effect

  • Joint sector boost to literacy

    Every child in Bangalore will be in school by 2003, if an ambitious corporate-government-voluntary movement is successful. The scheme was announced recently by ICICI chairman N. Vaghul, who is also a

    • 11/06/2001

  • Women's literacy rate mere 39 per cent

    India as the largest population of non-school going working girls. The Constitution guarantees free primary education for both boys and girls up to the age of 14. This goal has been repeatedly

    • 05/06/2001

  • State government to honour seven gram panchayats

    Maharashtra governor P.C. Alexander will honour seven gram panchayats in the state shortlisted recently in a competition for the best, clean and epidemic-free village in the state.

    • 05/06/2001

  • Computer curb on car exhaust

    Click for clean air. The new mantra to curb auto emission. On June 5, World Environment Day, transport minister Subhas Chakraborty will inaugurate a state-of-the-art emission-testing machine which

  • Shimla faces water crisis

    In what could be called a rare phenomenon, Shimla is sizzling with the mercury soaring above 32 degree Celsius.The Shimla town is already facing an acute water shortage, with some areas getting

  • CE okays canals, dams construction

    Pakistan's chief executive, Gen Pervez Musharraf, has approved, in principle, the construction of Gomal dam, the Katchi canal, Thar-Rainee canal and the Mirani dam to augment water resources.

  • Pollutants threaten Harike

    The Harike wetland is back in focus. It is facing an ecological crisis. The pollution level has increased tremendously threatening the 62 species of freshwater fish, seven species of turtles and

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