

  • Under the lens

    Mycobacteria make daunting subjects for study. In contrast to the more commonly used organism for molecular biological research, the E Coli, which produces a visible colony in about eight hours,

  • A tale of two treatments

    In the treatment of TB, the intensive periods under standard regimen (SR) and shorter course chemotherapy (SCC) remain constant at two months, after which the patient turns sputum negative. The

  • Ineffective alternative

    Besides BCG vaccination, another preventive control measure practised widely in North America but largely ignored in developing countries, is isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT). Unfortunately, the


    It has come off. Finally, the much awaited and much debated food-for-oil deal was agreed upon between Iraq and the UN recently. While the accord will take some burden off the Iraqi people,

  • The second coming

    The second coming

    Claims of successful regimes go flying out of the window as malaria and TB, aided by fresh drug resistant traits, play havoc across boundaries

  • Woes of the world

    It is mostly the preventable diseases which lead to fatal maladies due to negligence that hold our lives in stake, reveals the 1994 WHO report

  • Net protection

    THE simple shield of a net soaked in insecticide could save thousands of children from becoming targets of malarial carriers, reveals a study backed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the

  • Malady menace

    Malady menace

    TUBERCULOSIS (TB) germs are working quietly and speedily with single-minded devotion to ensnare as many humans in their killing net as possible. This is the horrific future as revealed by the

  • Executing a killer

    Executing a killer

    Should the remaining two stocks of the smallpox virus be wiped out permanently from the face of the earth? The question, which brings to fore certain scientific, technical and ethical issues, awaits an answer from world's scientists

  • On a come back trail

    DISEASES Once considered eradicated seem to have made an alarming reappearance across countries in Europe, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). At a recent conference organised by

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