

  • WTO talks collapse over food tariffs

    Ministers from about 35 countries have failed to make a breakthrough in the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) Doha round to open up global trade. Talkd to broker a new global trade pact have collapsed because key powers are unable to bridge their differences on food tariffs, the head of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) says. "There is no use beating around the bush, this meeting has collapsed, members have simply not been able to bridge their differences," WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy said.

  • South Asia

    Afghan Leopards Threatened: After surviving decades of warfare, snow leopards in Afghanistan now face a new threat: foreigners involved in rebuilding the country. Military bases and tourist bazaars present a new market for pelts to be sold as souvenirs. Foreigners are willing to pay prices high enough to encourage impoverished Afghans to break the 2002 hunting ban protecting the leopards. The US

  • Flood situation deteriorates further

    As the water of the Padma is swelling continuously, the flood situation of different areas, including Faridpur, Munshiganj, Manikganj, Madaripur, Shariatpur and Dohar and Nawabganj of Dhaka, deteriorated further yesterday. The situation on the other hand in many other areas has started to improve, as the rivers Brahmaputra and Jamuna have started to fall. Around 2000 hectares of land of fresh areas in Faridpur inundated yesterday, including four unions of Sadar upazila, two unions of Charvadrason and one in Sadarpur, due to continuous increase of water of the Padma.

  • Cultivate sweet potato to ensure food security

    Cultivation of sweet potato in the coastal char lands could help ensure food security, said the experts at a seminar on Monday. They said char lands, which run risks of natural calamities like cyclone and tidal surge, are suitable and cost-effective for growing nutritious potato during the dry season. The international seminar was organised jointly by Brac and the Centre for International Potato (CIP) at Brac Centre Inn in the capital.

  • Widespread use of chemicals in Modhupur orchards

    Widespread use of harmful hormones in orchards, especially those for pineapple and banana in hilly Modhupur and Ghatail upazilas in Tangail district, is posing serious health hazards for human. The practice is also causing serious damage to environment and biodiversity. The two upazilas produce around 1,50,000 tonnes of pineapples a year but famous Modhupur pineapple is losing its taste as different kinds of harmful hormones and chemicals are used to increase the yield, ripen the fruits early and make them look larger.

  • Water crisis deepens at Mohammadpur

    Residents living on Tajmahal Road at Mohammadpur in Dhaka have been suffering for the past four days due to lack of supply of drinking water by Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, sufferers said. Fifty families of 50 apartments between the holding 10/1 and 10/15 in the area were the worst sufferers as many of the families could not even take their baths for the past four days due to lack of water supply. Zakeria Shirazi, an elderly inhabitant at 10/7 Tajmahal Road said,

  • Seminar on AIDS held in city

    A daylong seminar on HIV/AIDS and STIs (sexually transmitted infections) was held at the Rajarbagh Police Lines Auditorium in the city on Tuesday. World Vision, Bangladesh and Retired Police Officers' Welfare Association, Bangladesh organised the seminar to raise awareness among the police officials and to carry out advocacy campaign programme on these deadly deceases. Dhaka Metropolitan Police commissioner Naim Ahmed inaugurated the programme as chief guest.

  • Human chain demands repair of road

    Students of Noakhali Govt College formed a human chain in front of court building in the district town on Sunday demanding repair of the college road. Several hundred students of the college participated in the programme from 10:00am to 1:00pm to press for their demand. The students also submitted memorandums to the Noakhali deputy commissioner, police superintendent, LGED executive engineer, RHD executive engineer, municipality chairman, sadar upazila nirbahi officer and college principal seeking immediate measures to repair the road.

  • Appraisal meeting on multi-donor fund on climate change today

    The government sits today for a meeting with donors and lenders to appraise the means for creating an already proposed multi-donor trust fund to help Bangladesh overcome or mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, according to officials concerned. They say the meeting is also likely to make preparations for the planned high-profile conference on the effects of climate change in London in September to influence international opinion in favour of Bangladesh, which is considered one of the most vulnerable countries.

  • Integrated steps stressed to cut losses in natural disaster

    The participants in a workshop on Monday stressed the need for taking integrated steps for effective disaster management and lessening the losses caused by natural calamities. Rupantar, a Khulna-based organisation, in cooperation with Oxfam arranged the workshop titled

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