
Sri Lanka

  • Sri Lanka to implement a national policy on land appropriation

    Sri Lanka is preparing to implement a national policy on appropriation of land in the country. The Deputy Director of Planning of Land Policies at the Ministry of Land and Land Development, D.A. Jayananda says unsystematic land utilization has created many environmental problems in Sri Lanka and reduced the productivity of many lands cultivated with tea, coconut, rubber or any other cash crops significantly.

  • Rural uplift under Gama Neguma

    Gama Neguma is a most valuable development programme that helps to establish a well developed village providing more facilities to people in rural areas. Therefore every official must give priority for the success of this programme said Wasantha Gunaratne, Divisional Secretary, Pitabeddara. He was speaking at the meeting of Divisional Agriculture Committee, Pitabeddara held at the DS auditorium.

  • Post-SAARC City Development in Colombo

    On the direction of President Mahinda Rajapaksa a committee was appointed under the chairmanship of Minister of Urban and Sacred Area Development Dinesh Gunawardena mainly to carry out maintenance work especially on the roads, clearing up the unauthorized constructions and beautification of roundabouts and parks in the city. The SAARC Summit gave us an impetus to improve the living environment in Colombo and spruce up the city.

  • Sri Lanka to impose VAT on water bills

    Water Supply And Water Drainage Board of Sri Lanka has decided to impose the Value Added Tax (VAT) to water bills with fewer than 25 units. Additional General Manager of the Water Board said the 15% VAT will be applied to water bills with fewer than 25 units, effective from last July. He pointed out that 75% of the Sri Lankan water consumers use fewer than 25 units per month. Meanwhile the Water Board has decided to increase the VAT by 5% for the water bills with higher than 25 units, Additional General Manager added.

  • Sri Lanka to impose VAT on water bills

    Water Supply And Water Drainage Board of Sri Lanka has decided to impose the Value Added Tax (VAT) to water bills with fewer than 25 units. Additional General Manager of the Water Board said the 15% VAT will be applied to water bills with fewer than 25 units, effective from last July. He pointed out that 75% of the Sri Lankan water consumers use fewer than 25 units per month. Meanwhile the Water Board has decided to increase the VAT by 5% for the water bills with higher than 25 units, Additional General Manager added.

  • Lanka to face acid rain threat

    Sri Lanka is on the verge of facing ecologically harmful acid rains. Prof. O.A. Illeperuma of the University of Peradeniya said as indicated by the recent environmental studies carried out by environmental scientists, in Anuradhapura, Mahailuppallama and Uva areas for over many years during North-Eastern rainy seasons, Sri Lanka is likely to experience acid rains in the future. Acid rains cause acidification of lakes and streams and contributes to the damage of trees at high elevations and many sensitive forest soil and harm public health.

  • Environment protection licence a must for private hospitals

    Around 300 private hospitals throughout the country are required to obtain Environment protection licences before the December 31 this year. Private hospitals are alleged to have been dumping their waste at Bloemendhal and other dumping sites causing major environmental pollution, the Environment and Natural Resources Ministry said.

  • Meeting on Chemical Weapons Convention in Colombo

    The Regional Summit of the National Authorities and Parliamentarians in Asia on the National Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention will be held in Sri Lanka this year with the participation of 30 countries in the region. The authorities are due to meet at the Colombo Hilton for the summit on August 25 and 26, Government sources said.

  • Environment protection vital for future generations: Champika

    Environment and Natural Resources Minister Champika Ranawaka yesterday said air pollution is estimated to be responsible for about half a million pre mature deaths every year in the Asian and Western Pacific region. The minister was speaking at the 5th regional stakeholders cum regional coordination meeting of the Mal

  • Sri Lankan government to conserve the environment

    The Sri Lankan government stated that it is their objective to conserve the environment for the future generations. Speaking at a press conference held today in Colombo, Minister of Environment, Patali Champika Ranawaka said the government has already launched several projects for the protection of the environment. The government has taken measures to establish an air pollution-monitoring unit in the Doramadalawa area in Anuradhapura. The Minister added that under these measures, the government will take action against those who contribute to the air pollution.

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