
Daily Star (Bangladesh)

  • Some insights into rural poverty

    Some insights into rural poverty Abdul Bayes BANGLADESH Rural Advancement Committee (Brac) is poised for preparing a report on the State of the Rural Economy of Bangladesh focusing on the impacts of the most recent economic crisis. The base of the analysis would be built around a repeated sample survey of roughly 2000 households from 62 villages of the country.

  • Beneath the surface

    Beneath The Surface Some insights into rural poverty Abdul Bayes BANGLADESH Rural Advancement Committee (Brac) is poised for preparing a report on the State of the Rural Economy of Bangladesh focusing on the impacts of the most recent economic crisis. The base of the analysis would be built around a repeated sample survey of roughly 2000 households from 62 villages of the country.

  • Govt aims at big food stock: Chief adviser

    Chief Adviser (CA) Fakhruddin Ahmed yesterday said the government will build up a bigger food stock through import and local procurement in order to ensure food security and keep food prices, especially of rice, at tolerable levels. Unveiling a package of contingency measures, he said increased allocation for agriculture and employment generation would be high on the list of priorities in next budget to overcome the wayward market situation.

  • Call to take up CDM projects

    Speakers at a workshop called for taking up projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which would also help sustainable development of the country. The CDM is an arrangement under the Kyoto Protocol allowing developed countries, which emit most greenhouse gases, to invest in projects that reduce emissions in developing countries as an alternative to more expensive emission reductions in their own countries.

  • Guaranteeing employment to rural poor

    GOVERNMENT'S plan to provide work to the unemployed in the rural areas is an appropriate strategy to address the miseries of the abjectly poor of rural Bangladesh. The plan seeks to ameliorate their sufferings during the lean period for about hundred days, to at least one person of an affected household. But we wonder, given the urgency of the situation, whether it is proper to tag the plan with the next fiscal year that doesn't commence till July. Two proposals of the government in this regard have attracted our attention that need to be dilated upon.

  • Guaranteeing employment to rural poor

    Guaranteeing employment to rural poor Good step - must be implemented quickly GOVERNMENT'S plan to provide work to the unemployed in the rural areas is an appropriate strategy to address the miseries of the abjectly poor of rural Bangladesh. The plan seeks to ameliorate their sufferings during the lean period for about hundred days, to at least one person of an affected household. But we wonder, given the urgency of the situation, whether it is proper to tag the plan with the next fiscal year that doesn't commence till July.

  • Remedies for hybrid Boro disease

    Remedies for hybrid Boro disease Aminul Islam, Mymensingh A group of researchers and agriculture scientists said there is no cause to be afraid about the disease in Boro fields in which leaves of plants are turning yellowish in many areas of the country. They have suggested some remedies also. The "Patapoura" disease (Bacterial Leaf Streak) that has been observed in many areas of Mymensingh and other districts during this ongoing boro season.

  • Donors meet Tuesday to design development schemes in Bangladesh

    Government officials, academics and civil society representatives will meet here Tuesday to launch a new project aimed at better understanding the long-term effects of anti-poverty interventions in the country. The project, "What Development Interventions Work? The Long-Term Impact and Cost Effectiveness of Anti-Poverty Interventions in Bangladesh,' will focus on the long-term impact of three interventions-microfinance, new agricultural technologies, and food/cash transfers for education-on the livelihoods of poor people.

  • Focussing on agriculture and agro-commodities

    Focussing on agriculture and agro-commodities Muhammad Zamir Since my stint as Permanent Representative to FAO, while being Ambassador to Italy, I have been involved in keeping track of the steady evolution that has been taking place in agricultural practices not only in Bangladesh in particular but also within the developing world in general.

  • Employment programme on emergency basis

    There are 75 lakh ultra poor households in the country. Of these, 50 lakh are covered by some kind of social safety net including VGF programme. If the remainder 25 lakh families are serviced by a new programme, their hardship in these days of skyrocketing prices will be somewhat alleviated. In this context we welcome the Tk 100 crore employment scheme taken in hand by the food and disaster management ministry. Its implementation is envisaged in the current month.

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