
New Age (Bangladesh)

  • Dhaka Wasa starts work on supply line rehab project

    The Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority have started primary works of its mega water supply line rehabilitation project involving Tk 1,450 crore. The ADB-funded project, titled

  • ECB repeats warning on eurozone growth

    The European Central Bank repeated on Thursday its concern over growth prospects for the eurozone economy, opening the way for possible interest rate cuts in the coming months if necessary. Although the economic foundation for the 15-nation zone remained sound,

  • IEA urges US to curb energy use to fight global warming

    The International Energy Agency on Friday called on the United States to do more to curb energy use and fight global warming, saying pricing was the best way to curb demand. The world's biggest economy and energy consumer has made progress toward a more sustainable energy system but is lagging behind other industrialized countries and even developing countries such as China in some areas, the IEA said in a report.

  • BMDA to supply drinking water to remote areas

    BMDA to supply drinking water to remote areas Rural people in 25 upazilas to be benefited Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha . Rajshahi THE Barind Multipurpose Development Authority has undertaken a project to supply arsenic-free drinking water among the rural people through pipeline. According to officials concerned, the main objective of the project is to supply round-the-year drinking water to every household of the rural people in the targeted area. The Tk 99.40 crore project titled

  • Delhi wants to supply Bangladesh village with solar power

    New Delhi has proposed that India will provide a village in Bangladesh with solar electric supply as part of the energy cooperation initiative in the SAARC region. The Indian High Commission in Dhaka on Sunday sent a letter to the foreign ministry proposing that Delhi wanted to install solar power systems in one of the villages in Bangladesh for electric supply to 300 home-lights and 50 streetlights. The foreign ministry forwarded the letter to the Power Division on Monday, sources in the division said. In the letter, Delhi suggested that Dhaka should send in the names of 2 or 3 villages to choose one from among. A team of experts of India will select the village after visiting the proposed sites. The letter said Delhi had made the proposal to provide one village with solar power in keeping with the decision on energy cooperation made at the 14th SAARC Summit in April 2007. Sources in the Power Division said the Rural Electrification Board was no Monday advised to send in the names of three remote villages, especially in coastal areas, where it would not be possible for the government to supply power from the national grid.

  • Bird flu costs poultry sector Tk 4,165cr: report

    Bird flu has caused an estimated loss of Tk 4,165 crore to the poultry sector in the country, said a report of the poultry industry coordination committee on Wednesday. The government formed the committee comprising leaders of poultry related sectors and government officials, and assigned it to assess the loss of the poultry sector caused by the bird flu.

  • Bangladesh faces critical health hazards for unsafe water'

    Bangladesh faces a critical health hazards for lack of

  • Percentage of diabetic patients increasing alarmingly

    About 5.6 per cent of the country's adults and a large number of children are suffering from diabetes, and the number of diabetic patients is increasing alarmingly with more than 20,000 new patients in a year. According to the Diabetic Association of Bangladesh, various causes increase the prevalence of diabetes, while unbalanced food habit, lack of physical exercise, regular intake of energy-dense fast food and soft drinks are mainly blamed for diabetes. According to the data available at the association, 22,559 new patients of diabetes were registered in financial year 2005-2006, 22,324 in 2004-2005, 21,462 in 2003-2004, 20,883 in 2002-2003, 20,607 in 2001-2002 and 17,045 in 2000-2001. A total of 3,57,418 patients were registered in financial year 2005-2006, 3,34,859 in 2004-2005, 3,12,535 in 2003-2004, 2,91,073 in 2002-2003, 2,70,190 in 2001-2002 and 2,49,587 in 2000-2001, according to the association's data. Such patients were registered with the DAB-run BIRDEM hospitals in Dhaka, 13 national healthcare network centres in the city, 10 diabetic healthcare development centres and 56 affiliated bodies across the country. The DAB president, AK Azad Khan, told New Age on Wednesday

  • Wheat farming expands in Faridpur

    FARMERS in Faridpur are getting interested in wheat cultivation due to its increasing demand, high price and favourable weather. The land for wheat farming in the district has been increased significantly over the past few years. According to the Department of Agricultural Extension in Faridpur, 25,545 hectares of land have been brought under wheat cultivation this season while the figure was 20,310 hectares in the previous year. The wheat production might be about 53 thousand tonnes this season which was about 34 thousand tonnes in the previous season. In 1999-2000 season, 12,904 hectares of land were brought under wheat cultivation in the district and the production was 24,634 tonnes, according to the regional statistical office. DAE officials said in the current season cold weather and rain made a good contribution to the expected production which could increase by 5 to 10 per cent. The officials said some 10 years back the cultivation of wheat was not on a large scale in the district. In the winter, farmers used to remain satisfied with vegetables' cultivation as well as other rabi crops. A vast tract of land remained fallow. In course of time, the scenario has been changed. Dr Sirajul Islam, scientific officer of On Firm Research Division of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute in Faridpur, said in the last few years the land under wheat cultivation had got almost double. He attributed the increase of land to rising demand of flour in the domestic market. He also added that in the past years agriculture researchers had invented some high yielding varieties of wheat, which had become very popular to the farmers. The varieties are Sonali, Akbori, Bolaka, Waghrany, Protiva, Sourav, Shotabdi, Behari Kalyan etc. Old local varieties like Sona Digha, Kanchon, Elyas etc can no longer attract farmers with their low productivity, Dr Sirajul Islam said. Oasiul Islam, deputy director of the Faridpur DAE, said his department had tried heart and soul to ensure proper supply of fertiliser, seeds and technological support. Abdul Kuddus, a farmer of village Parchar at Machchar union in the district headquarters, said he was expecting a good harvest of wheat in the current season because of favourable weather. He also added that farmers in the area got sufficient quantity of fertiliser. The farmers said they had taken to wheat farming due to its growing demand and increasing price in the market. Besides, cultivation of wheat is very easy in comparison with many seasonal crops. In the market wheat is now selling at Tk 1,100 to 1,200 per mound which was only Tk 700 to 800 in the previous year.

  • Govt to form another committee to review coal policy, says Tamim

    The special assistant to the chief adviser, M Tamim, on Wednesday said that they would form another committee to review the current draft of the coal policy although a citizens' commission has declared that the government should not make changes, except to amend one clause.

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