
Dawn (Pakistan)

  • Unavailability of urea makes farmers protest

    Farmers staged a demonstration to protest the unavailability of urea fertiliser here on Tuesday. They blocked the Choubara Road and threw traffic out of gear by setting tyres ablaze for around three hours. The urea fertiliser has been in short supply for the past two months, and dealers are selling it in black for Rs900 to Rs1,000 per bag. However, some lucky peasants having government permits get urea at Rs675 per bag, but only after remaining queued up for hours.

  • City roads should be car-free rather than signal-free

    The city is expanding at a rapid pace and if an efficient and inexpensive public transport system is not put in place now, it will collapse in the next few years, said former mayor of Bogota Enrique Penalosa Londono at a seminar on Tuesday.

  • Senate body for setting up wildlife dept in Balochistan

    The Sub-Committee of the Senate Standing Committee on Environment on Monday called upon the government to initiate urgent measures for protecting the precious wildlife particularly the migratory wildlife and to take tangible steps for preventing the habitat destruction throughout the country. The senate body, which met at the Parliament House with Senator Bibi Yasmeen Shah in the chair, expressed its surprise that there was no separate wildlife department in Balochistan and suggested that a department may be set up there.

  • Mysterious disease kills animals

    A mysterious fatal disease has killed dozens of animals in Tisar village of the Shigar valley but the livestock department has not yet taken any action in this regard, leaving other animals also to the risk. According to reports reaching here from the affected area, the mostly hit are zhos (a cross breed of yak and cow), zhongos and yaks. The victim animals get sick and become lethargic and dull, and stop eating leading to death in few days. According to eyewitnesses, examination of the slaughtered affected animals shows that their liver, lung and heart are severely swollen.

  • 150,000 trees to be planted by year end

    The target of planting more than 150,000 trees in the city by the end of the year will be achieved through extraordinary efforts. This was stated by City Nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal while directing the parks department to further speed up the green city campaign and making arrangements for greenery along all old and new roads. Speaking at a meeting to review the measures taken during the campaign so far, he said the government was giving special attention to social sector.

  • Ozone layer preservation day today

    The international day for the preservation of the ozone layer is being observed on Tuesday with focus on combating the depletion of the earth

  • 17 more dengue patients hospitalised

    Sindh Health Minister Dr Saghir Ahmed has said that 515 dengue suspect patients have been brought to various hospitals in the province since January. Of them, 145 were tested positive, the minister said. Seventeen more patients with dengue symptoms were admitted to different hospitals of the metropolis on Tuesday, while 18 patients who recovered after proper medical treatment were discharged.

  • Nazim approves changes in food bylaws

    The city government has decided to revamp the existing system of checking the sale and supply of food items, eatables and drinks at hotels, restaurants, shops and other food outlets across the city by bringing changes in the food laws. At a meeting of the city government

  • Reduction in wheat quota deepens flour crisis

    Due to wrong policies of the Sindh food department, Hyderabad is once again faced with an acute shortage of wheat and if the department failed to release the full quota of wheat to chakki owners, they will be forced to close down their chakkis. President of the Atta Chakki Owners Social Welfare Association Haji Nawab Ali said this while addressing a news conference at the press club here on Tuesday. He said that during the first week of September, the chakki owners were supplied 48 bags of wheat per chakki and wheat flour was made available to people according to government rates.

  • Sepa says noise level alarmingly high

    In its latest survey on noise pollution, the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (Sepa) has found the vehicular traffic-induced noise in the city at an alarmingly high level, necessitating some regulatory measures to reduce people

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