
Dawn (Pakistan)

  • Sewerage, water schemes for Qasimabad

    Sindh Minister for Fisheries Zahid Ali Bhurgari has said that a water supply and sewerage scheme for the development of Qasimabad taluka has been submitted to Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah and he has called for a feasibility report from the departments concerned to lay a network of development schemes in Qasimabad. He was addressing to an open katchehry at Qasim Park in Qasimabad on Monday.

  • Two die as monsoon rain lashes Karachi: Massive outages hit KESC network

    Two people were killed and over two dozen injured on Tuesday evening when a strong rain-bearing monsoon weather system hit Karachi, witnesses and hospital sources said. The year's first monsoon showers also wreaked havoc on the Karachi Electric Supply Company's frail distribution network, which was already reeling after it collapsed following a light drizzle late Monday night. A 30-year-old woman was killed when the wall of her house at Pahar Ganj collapsed. The body was brought to the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital where she was identified as Sakina.

  • 40 per cent workers in carpet industry are children: report

    The workforce in carpet industry which generated $200 million through exports in 2005 comprise most vulnerable, marginalised and dispersed population which also included children, says a recent study conducted by Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (PILER) on Bonded Child Labour in the carpet industry of Thar. At least 40 per cent of the workforce in carpet weaving are children, the report said.

  • Water shortage may hit wheat crop

    Punjab on Tuesday feared that Mangla Dam might not be filled this year, putting two-thirds of wheat crop in irrigated areas of the province in jeopardy during the next Rabi season. Provincial water mangers say the question of taking the Mangla lake to 1,212 feet, as planned by the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda), does not arise at the moment.

  • Costly machine lies unused at govt hospital: Dengue fever

    A cell separator bought by the Sindh government about a year back for one of its hospitals in the city in its drive against dengue fever is turning out to be an ill-planned procurement as it has not become operational for want of accessories, said sources in the provincial health department.

  • Mirza gives deadline to irrigation officials

    Irrigation officials are being given three days to ensure availability of water in the tails of all waterways of Badin failing which FIRs will be registered against them, said Sindh Home Minister Dr Zulfiqar Ali Mirza on Monday. He was speaking at a meeting-cum-open kutchehry with irrigation, revenue and Hesco officials and expressed dissatisfaction over the inefficiency of irrigation and Hesco officials. He warned the officials of Hesco, Irrigation and SIDA to stop conspiring against the PPP government or face jail.

  • NWFP wants out-of-court settlement: Hydel power royalty

    Members of Irrigation Workers Union of Rohri Circle ended protest against irrigation authorities' refusal to provide jobs under quota for the children of deceased and retired employees after talks with chief engineer of Sukkur Barrage here on Monday. The secretary of irrigation directed the chief engineer and superintending engineer of Rohri Circle through a communication that they should negotiate with the striking staff and inform them that quota in jobs for the sons of the deceased employees was intact and they would get the job.

  • ICRC closes water supply programme in AJK

    The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has announced closure of its water supply programme initiated by it in Azad Jammu and Kashmir in response to the October 2005 earthquake. According to a handout released here on Thursday, the agency had rehabilitated and reconstructed over 40 rural water supply systems, involving rehabilitation and installation of over 600 kilometres of pipeline, in Muzaffarabad district in cooperation with the communities concerned after the devastating earthquake.

  • Chemical waste kills thousands of fish'

    Phoolnagar police have registered a case against five officials of a food company on the application of a fish farmer who has alleged that the company's poisonous chemical waste has killed thousands of fish in his farm in Gagar village. Rafhan Foods was dumping its chemical waste at an open place near a fish farm owned by plaintiff Rao Abdul Hafeez.

  • Appeal to continue rural uplift project

    The employees of Sindh Rural Development Project, local government department, have appealed to the Sindh government, the People's Party and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement to save the employees of the project and their families from starvation by regularising their services as they are likely to be rendered jobless with the closure of the project.

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