
Week (Kochi)

  • The grim truth

    On January 4, the government announced that 901 people died and 6,010 were missing in the tsunami that hit Andaman and Nicobar islands on December 26. That cannot even be a half-truth. Samir Acharya, secretary of the Society for Andaman and Nicobar Ecology, said that according to four Nicobarese tribal chiefs, around 10,000 people, a third of the island's population, had died in Car Nicobar.

  • School aboard

    A life buoy for the children of fishermen. According to a survey, there are 160 Donollu families in East Godavari district. A few have pitched their tents near the madaadavulu forest, but the others

  • Withering heights

    Malappuram means the land of hills in Malayalam. But real-estate developers and environmentally insensitive people could soon turn it into a vast expanse of plain land. Activists say that at least

  • Rumble in Silent Valley

    Silent Valley awakes yet again after a 25-year hiatus. Like an echo from its past, the region with its unique evergreen forests, home to rare fauna like the Nilgiri Tahr and the lion-tailed macaque,

  • High and dry

    Musampally in Andhra Pradesh's Nalgonda district has more borewells than people.Today, though Musampally has more borewells (6,000) than people (5,000) the water level is so disastrously low that

  • Corruption decentralised

    Madhya Pradesh Government plans to amend Panchayati Raj Act to prevent financial irregularities. According to NGOs, working in rural areas, only 50 per cent of the nomeny meant for development

  • Case of the missing fingers

    Plastic recycling plants maim workers. Many youth in Dhoraji in Gujarat walk with their hands in their trouser pockets. It is the machine which shreds and melts the plastic waste into a black cake

  • Feather in the cap

    The Nyshis, Arunachal Pradesh's largest ethnic group, are a unique lot. They worship the sun and moon, and show their machismo by wearing the beak of the hornbill with their traditional headgear.

  • Road to progress

    Adilabad in north Telangana was notorious as one fo the first districts to be decalred a guerrilla zone. The People's War group ruled many of the inaccessible villages here. Even development efforts

  • Bananas for energy

    Bananas that are past its eat-by date coudl either be turned into banana bread or, as scientists have just discovered, be converted into energy for 500 homes. A government funded study is

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