
Economist (London)

  • Seed v seed

    Epicyte, a company based in San Diego, is growing crops meant to kill human sperm : a

  • A nuclear dustbin?

    Between 1949 and 1989, more than 450 atmospheric and underground explosions were conducted at the Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan) testing site, which is the size of Wales. About 300,000 square kilometres

  • Ready for the competition?

    The marathon negotiations on Chinese membership of the WTO are ending. For the government, the hard part may only now be beginning : a

  • Truth or consequences

    Biomedical journals are agitating about the risks of corporate money corrupting peer review. They should worry about a lot more than that : a

  • Economic man, cleaner planet

    Shocking as it may seem to most anti-globalists, market forces can help the environment. In fits and starts, they are already starting to : a

  • Heads in the sand

    "What is distressing is that we really are fiddling while our Rome is burning..people are dying, but unpleasant truths we tend to deny." Desmond Tutu, a retired archbishop, head of the Truth and

  • Sex bomb

    The Asian regional office of the World Health Organisation is declaring HIV more or less under control in Asia. It says there is just not enough drug-taking and risky sex to sustain a major

  • Bad chemistry

    The doomsday scenarios of a chemical, biological or nuclear attack by terrorists, long so popular in books and films, suddenly seem both less fantastic and more worrying. Americans and Britons have

  • The terror next time?

    Among one of the many warnings often American think tanks and government agencies in recent years, a report released last December by the CIA's National Intelligence Council concluded baldly that,

  • Grounding night flights

    As though things were not already bad enough for airlines, the European Court of Human Rights decided that the government failed to strike a fair balance between the economic benefits of night

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