
Economist (London)

  • Growing hope

    The Prozac generation may be on to something after all. Research about to be published in the journal of Neuroscience by Jessica Malberg of Yale University and her colleagues suggest that

  • AIDS wars

    A meeting in London has destroyed the idea that AIDS was the accidental result of a polio-vaccination campaign conducted in the 1950s. But the disease' origins are still mysterious : a

  • Blind ambition

    Any disease that infects 150m people across the world might seem hard to overlook. But blinding trachoma, the bane of European immigrants to America a century ago, has largely disappeared from the

  • The permissive Dutch, in life and death

    The lower house of the Dutch Parliament has passed a new law to allow euthanasia under certain circumstances. People over the age of 16 who suffer acute and unremitting pain may now arrange for

  • Theodore Monod

    Theodore Andre Monod, a naturalist sage, died on November 22nd, aged 98. Long ago, long before the earth had acquired its hordes of friends, long before nations were blaming each other for destroying

  • The lone smog state

    A reviving Al Gore has a handy weapon to use against George Bush in Texas's environmental mess. In its bid to undermine George Bush's record as governor of Texas, the Gore campaign is painting a grim

  • Health international

    Health care spending is everywhere on the increase. In 1948, it took 3% of gross world product;now, says a new report from the World Health Organisation, the figure is 7.9% and rising. That is

  • Who wants to live for ever?

    Average life expectancy has risen greatly. The span of individual life has not : a

  • Growing or going

    Africa's forests are vanishing, but it now appears that far fewer trees are gone than was once thought. The reason is that there was not as many trees in the first place as most estimates suggest. In

  • Chilled greens

    Who says Russians are passive? In recent months their green movement has managed to collect at least 2.5m signatures in support of a referendum on two big eco-questions facing the country. One is the

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