Asian development outlook 2024
Developing economies in Asia and the Pacific are forecast to expand by 4.9% on average this year as the region continues its resilient growth amid robust domestic demand, improving semiconductor exports,
Developing economies in Asia and the Pacific are forecast to expand by 4.9% on average this year as the region continues its resilient growth amid robust domestic demand, improving semiconductor exports,
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supporting the Government of India (GOI) and State Governments through the Sustainable Coastal Protection and Management Investment Program. The Program is being implemented in the states of Goa, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The environmental assessment and review procedures to be applied to Program subprojects are outlined in this document.
This report details how ADB's regional food fortification initiative helped participating countries in Central Asia move toward universal salt iodization and establish sustainable wheat flour fortification, and how the intitiative successfully addressed three unknown development issues in mainly newly emerging market economies: the use of public-private partnerships; collaboration between the gove
This publication outlines five priority areas and three modalities, giving ADB's approach to climate change are: expanding the use of clean energy, encouraging sustainable transport and urban development, managing land use and forests for carbon sequestration, promoting climate-resilient development, and strengthening related policies and institutions.
"Carbon intensity" is the traditional measure of an economy's carbon performance. However, it is incapable of capturing the multidimensional features of an economy's carbon performance, particularly when increased emissions have causes other than poor emitting technology, such as changes in the energy mix or the substitution of energy for labor.
The book provides an overview of the economic, political, and social environment in Nepal and the challenges confronting the country in eliciting its economic growth potential.
<p>This publication lays out a strategy which identifies and presents a broad framework for integrated water resources planning and management, to increase the level of resilience to climate change in Himachal Pradesh.
<p>This report summarizes the good practices that were culled from a case study series on successful Asian water utilities. The case studies presented objective, accurate, and critical analyses of urban water management practices in eight Asian cities over a 10-year period.
This guide clarifies the concept of grievance redress mechanisms and presents the rationale for their implementation. It shows how grievance redress should be built into projects' policy and institutional frameworks as well as planning models. It also describes the key elements of grievance redress mechanisms and provides step- by-step guidelines for designing and implementing these mechanisms.
This brief explains the importance of empowering people after natural disasters by giving them access to their rights and entitlements, allowing them to reconstruct the legal foundation for their lives and livelihoods.
The annual Asian Development Outlook provides a comprehensive analysis of economic performance for the past year and offers forecasts for the next 2 years for the 45 Asian economies that make up developing Asia.