
Pachyderm policies

Pachyderm policies kenya, a country which is a tenth of India's size, has approximately the same number of elephants as the latter (around 25,000). Kenya's elephants are housed in 20 per cent of its own land area of which only five per cent is protected. Kenyan elephant population dropped from 167,000 in 1969 to 20,000 in 1989. Conservation measures thereafter increased the population to 25,000 in 1995. And now, Kenya faces the same problem of elephant-man conflict as does India, said wildlife scientists from the Kenya Wildlife Service ( kws ) on a recent visit to elephant territory in southern India at the invitation of the Centre for Ecological Sciences ( ces ) at the Indian Institute of Science ( iis c), Bangalore.

Kenyan methods for tackling such conflict vary from ours. Shooting of marauding elephants by the kws increased from zero to 66 in 1994, with

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