
Some things you shouldn`t see

  • 14/03/1995

The plot thickens, a clip (15 min) produced by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, gives an insight into how the world of advertising propagates values and messages that are outdated and are shot through with gender and racial biases. The film looks at a VIP suitcase advertisement, built around the theme of change in a girl's life, where the once-active and outgoing girl becomes passive and demure when she gets married. She even looses her right to ancestral property.

Onida TV, Rin detergent, MRF Zigma tyres and the Phantom animation film are used as examples. The MRF Zigma advertisement, according to the filmmakers, glorifies what was once a symbol of Nazi oppression. The Phantom comic also propagates the superiority of Whites over Blacks. Phantom is White to the core; he is the lawmaker, handing out justice to the "little men" in "deepest Africa". This short film provocatively questions the objectivity and reality of advertising gone unethical and mad in today's world.

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