
Unclean air

  • 30/10/1999

The Pillayarkuppam-Kirumampakkam area of Pondicherry is quite close to an industrial estate. In response to regular complaints by the residents of the area, S A Abbasi, senior professor and director of the Pondicherry University's Centre for Pollution Control and Energy Technology, along with S Vinithan made an airshed study of the area.

"The studies reveal that the air in the Pillayarkuppam-Kirumampakkam area is grossly polluted all through the year. The majority of samples indicate that the air is unclean and falls below the standards of air quality prescribed by the regulatory agencies.... The seriousness of the situation can be gauged from the fact that whereas the norms set by the Central Pollution Control Board require that not more than 5 per cent of the samples taken over a year should fall below the stipulated standards, this limit is exceeded in all the months by 20 per cent to 100 per cent,' says their report.

The report also mentions that none of the areas sampled was free from air pollution and that pollution was so damagingly persistent that the air was harmful most of the time.

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