
A project by Sonoma State University in California. This small liberal Arts institution through a network of researchers, volunteers and academicians lists 25 top censored stories of the year.

The listing of 2001 censored stories is led by the World Bank attempt to privatise water supply in Bolivia at the full cost pricing. The researchers find out the intricate channels between the Bank and corporate companies and their attempts to kill the story.

It is interesting to find out that almost 16 of the 25 killed stories are environmental stories. They deal with tobacco companies, biotech industry, clandestine drug trials and arms industry.

One of the interesting stories killed in 2001 was from Cuba that showed that the country had adopted a highly successful programme on organic farming. It would be interesting to guess the reason for censoring such a positive story. A quick look at the censored stories tells a lot about the unholy nexus between the repressive states and corporate bodies. It is worth reading the introductory essay by Noam Chomsky for the 2001 listing.

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