
Talking about pollution

  • 30/12/1999

Talking about pollution there is no doubt that air pollution will be of even greater significance in the next millennium. From the first century, when Roman philosopher Seneca complained about air pollution, to recent times, the problem has grown to assume grave dimensions. It is in the light of this that a book on the subject, like the one by Murali Krishna, gains importance.

The author begins with a quote by Shakespeare followed by a definition of environment and a complete glossary of the terms used. The progress thereafter is episodic, detailed and well-researched, covering every aspect from indoor, noise and vehicular pollution to ozone depletion, acid rain and climate change. Numerous diagrams, charts and tables have been added to assist the reader.

The author points out that as man ascends the ladder of civilisation, his needs grow in arithmetial progression and the corresponding pollution grows in geometrial progression.Now the impact of air pollution on the biosphere and the quality of life has begun to emerge. The book draws the reader's attention to the global threat of the "greenhouse effect'. The fact that the mean ambient air temperature is expected to increase at an alarming rate of about 0.5-1

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