
A collector s item

  • 14/02/2000

THIS book contains all one would want to know about environmental management in the context of the existence of plenty alongside poverty. But for those not familiar with the dynamics of the symbiotic human-nature relationship, the elaborately worded theories may be a trifle difficult to understand.

Replete with insights into the inter-dependence of environment and humans, Barkin also seeks solutions and suggests possible remedies to ensure sustainable development without the accompanying human, environmental or economic trauma. For instance, under the sub-heading "A strategy of democratic participation for rural diversification and product improvement', Barkin observes, "... broad-based democratic participation will create the basis for a more equitable distribution of wealth, one of the first prerequisites for forging a strategy of sustainable development'. Although they may sound idealistic, it goes without saying that his views make sense amid all the complicated theories on sustainable development.

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