
On the congress

Peter Ravem
director, Missouri Botanical Gardens,USA

On the impact of GMOs on agriculture:
The technology to transfer genes from one unrelated species or organism to another holds great promise to improve agriculture in the future. But it is not the only solution for food insecurity. Record also shows that food security has constantly increased, but still millions go hungry every day. Sustainability in agriculture cannot be achieved by considering only the physical inputs or factors. Economic and social factors have to be put in perspective as well. Genetically modified food has to be given serious thought. I feel that the environmental characteristics of genetically modified food needs to be tested on a case by case basis, just like any other crop.

On India's dwindling biodiversity:

India is home to an estimated 7-8 per cent of the world's biodiversity, with perhaps a third of it discovered and named. The Northeast is being commercially exploited and this could adversely affect the status of biodiversity in the country.

G S khush
International Rice Research Institute, the Philippines

On India's food security:

You must invest in research and infrastructure development such as irrigation if you want a food secure India.

On the congress:

The congress is going to generate more awareness of the problems of land, environmental and nutritional security needs of India.

On the absence of environmentalists at the conference:

I do know how many were invited. But if were not, it is not good.

On India promoting only rice and wheat:

It is not a good idea. We have to go for crop diversity like soya, legumes to improve the soil health.

Amrita Patel
Chairperson, National Dairy Development Board, Anand, Gujarat

On the congress:

I am disappointed that the congress did not focus attention on the environment and on the overriding need for the ecological imperatives being the guiding principles of development.

On the congress vision paper:

The paper has treated the importance of creating institutions as a side issue

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