
Gruelling schedule

  • 30/03/2004

2005: Conduct national-level study on existing and additional financial sources.

2006: Expand or establish protected areas at sites that are home to threatened species

Identify legislative gaps and barriers that may impede such efforts.

2008: Take action to address under-representation of marine and inland water ecosystems

Identify steps for integrating protected areas into broader land and seascapes

Install mechanisms for preventing negative impacts to protected areas

Set up system for equitable sharing of benefits and costs arising from protected areas

Review and revise policies as appropriate

Assess resources for management of protected areas in developing nations, economies in transition and small developing islands

Establish country-level sustainable financing plans

Implement standards for selecting and managing protected areas.

2009: Identify protected areas through precise maps

Address legislative loopholes.

2010: Implement evaluations of management effectiveness for at least 30 per cent of the protected areas

Develop and transfer technologies for management of protected areas

Devise national approaches to liability and redress measures.

2010/2012: Form national and regional systems of terrestrial/marine protected areas to integrate them into a global system

Strengthen regional networks and transboundary protected areas.

2012: Adopt science-based planning processes and involve stakeholders like indigenous communities.

2015: Apply concept of connectivity between different protected areas to facilitate movement of migratory species; create ecological networks and buffer zones.

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