
Tell tail evidence

Tell tail evidence Researchers at the Australian National University have discovered that the mountain brushtail possum actually consists of two distinct species. An article in the latest edition of the Australian Journal of Zoology proposes that the northern mountain brushtails, found in the forests of Queensland and New South Wales, are a separate group as they have shorter feet, smaller ears and a longer, bushier tail than those found in the south in Victoria. The two species are also genetically distant by 2.7-3 per cent.

This discovery came after scientists collected genetic data of the mountain brushtail while investigating biological controls for the common variety, a pest in New Zealand.

The article proposes that the northern species be called the short-eared possum, retaining the scientific name Trichosurus caninus. The southern group will retain the common name, but will have a new scientific name, Trichosurus cunninghami.