
Phone jam

Angered over the alarming rise in aft pollution levels In Whk,resfdents made themselves beard when an November 2, they -flooded. the ftne Minister's office OW1 wrth telephone calls, leaving the office staff bowthlered.'rhwults %were, in response to the 'FlIght to dean eir campaign! launched by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) on November 1. The campaign marks the smoodanolveriary of the, release of Slow murder, a study on air pollution by CSE.

some of the complained that they received a luke-worm response from PMO, which directed them to make enquiries about the air pollution status from the ministry- of environment and forest (MEP). The MEF eventually directed the calls back to CSE. A concerned citizen frota'-Jailtor called up CSE to say : "The PM's office was not at all helpful".

Undeterred, many of Delhi's citizens are, continuing their campaign. When asked about the PMO's response to the telephone calls, a CSE reporter raceived a blunt answer:"Inquire from CSE which is giving-the information".

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