
Towards UNFF

  • 14/06/2004

1990 Houston Summit of G-7 asserts the need to negotiate a tropical forest convention. Malaysia opposes the move. So do Brazil Gabon and India.

1992 US announces Forests for Future Initiative at the Rio Earth Summit. Oil-producing Gulf countries support the convention idea. Developing countries oppose it.

1995 Statement of ministers' meet UN's Food and Agricultural Organization recommends step-by step move towards forest convention. Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF) set up at third Commission on Sustainable Development meet (CSD) for a two-year term. Countries opposed to the convention use IPF to postpone decisions. They add needless items to its agenda to make it directionless.

1997 CSD-5 establishes Intergovernmental Forum on Forests to present a final report on the convention at CSD-8. All sides repeat well-versed positions here.

2000 United Nations Forum on Forests established.

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