

HONG KONG Environment seems to be a low priority for Hong Kong. Even as its economy prospers with little government interference, years of neglect of the environment are leaving visible scars. one of the worst problerns is contaminated sea water. Hong Kong dumps two minion tormes of sewage and industrial effluents into the sea every day, half of it entirely untreated. Solid waste is disposed off in the landf&, some of which are in the middle of urban areas where they release gases and leachates, products of the decomposition of organic waste. Taking steps to curb some environmental problems, the government is to build a new sewerage system throughout the territory over the next 10 years at a total cost of about US $1,16 billion, It has also announced a Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme, the first phase of which aims to improve the water quality of Hong Kong harbour by 1997, when the British colony reverts to Chinese rule.(IPS)

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