A progress report on audit of PUC centers and networking of PUC centres in Delhi
This report presents the results of the third party auditing of the PUC centers. It recommends periodic audits every six months and corrective actions based on the findings of the third party auditing of the PUC centres. Presents the finding of the decoy operation in which frauds in a PUC centre was detected. Recommends strong penal action against the defaulters. As license to operate PUC centre is granted to the petrol pump dealer and owner and code of practice in the PUC centre is also covered by the marketing discipline guidelines of the oil company, the oil company should also be made responsible for taking action against the petrol pump dealer and owner when such frauds are detected. As a long term solution to the checking frauds and improving overall compliance of the vehicle fleet under PUC, EPCA recommends networking of the PUC centers that can be linked through a central server to a centralized database of the emissions results and vehicle registration data. This can be used for remote auditing of the centers and tracking of compliance record of the vehicles.