On characterizing
the provision of new and additional resources, Parties proposed:
- New (EC and its member states, MISC 2) and additional, that is, over and above the target of 0.7 GNP for Official Development Assistance (ODA) (Colombia, MISC 1; Singapore, MISC 2; AOSIS (Alliance of Small Island States), G77 and China, African Group, MISC 2/Add 1; Argentina, Brazil, China, MISC 5; LDCs, finance workshop);
- Adequate (EC and member states, Singapore, MISC 2; AOSIS, G77 and China, MISC 2/Add 1, China, MISC 5; LDCs, finance workshop);
- Measurable, reportable and verifiable (Saudi Arabia, MISC.1; Australia, G77 and China, MISC 2/Add 1) with clear targets and timelines (Gambia, adaptation workshop);
- Predictable (EC, member states, Singapore, MISC 2; AOSIS, G77 and China, MISC 2/Add 1; Brazil, China, Norway, MISC 5; LDCs, finance workshop);
- Reliable (Norway, MISC 5);
- Stable (G77 and China, MISC 2/Add 1; AOSIS technology workshop);
- Sustainable (EC and member states, Singapore, MISC 2);
- Timely (AOSIS, G77 and China, MISC 2/Add 1);
- Inclusive, financially feasible, and able to broaden the scale of mitigation and adaptation activities (Mexico, MISC 2);
- Coherent, flexible, and able to mobilize all sources of finance (South Africa, MISC 5).
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