
Happy bedfellows

  • 14/03/2002

The protocol is touted to be the success story of the century, a perfect model of international cooperation. But, cooperation to do what? It's meant to prevent the hole in the ozone layer from increasing? Instead it burns a hole in the developing countries' economy while the big businesses in the trade go laughing to the bank.

This is how the 'perfect' protocol works to their advantage. The North-based giants first sell chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to the world and make a killing. When the world finds out that CFCs destroy the ozone layer, these companies stall all attempts to put an end to the menace - until they have developed alternatives. Then they push all in favour of the international convention to ban CFCs, among other dangerous chemicals. They also push through another set of products from their stable - hydrochlorofluorocabons (HCFCs) - which are also ozone destroying, though less so, they claim. This, even after they have a chemical formulation which does not harm the ozone layer - hydrofluorocabons (HFCs). They are happy to watch the South fall again and again into its trap, each time another of its product is banned.

Meanwhile some big businesses in the South have begun manufacturing CFCs as well. When the protocol looks to be closing down on them, they, through their governments, begin asking for 'compensation' to shut shop. They get millions from a multinational fund. They take the money to shift to non-ODS substances, in the name of saving the environment. Instead they produce large quantities of HCFCs - an ODS they produced even before, albeit in smaller quantity. SO they get money to carry on business as usual.

The purses of the organised industry in the North and the South grow in proportion to the ozone hole. That's the result of the picture perfect model of international cooperation - the Montreal Protocol.

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