
According to report

climate strikes back: The annual death toll due to climate change is expected to rise half-a-million by 2030, said a study commissioned by the Global Humanitarian Forum, a Geneva-based organization. The study said climate change kills 325 million people every year through hunger, sickness and weather disasters and results in US $125 billion economic loss annually.

food prices will rise again: 2008 is seen as the year of food crises, prompted in part by high fuel prices. In late 2008, as global recession got underway, food prices started declining and returned to 2006 levels. Food prices will rise again in 2015, when economies are expected to have recovered from the global recession. This will push up demand once more, said a UN report, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Asia and the Pacific. Apart from the resurgent demand, the food price rise will also result from climate change and threats to sustainable agriculture, it said.

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