
Captive water

Captive water Water worries could be over for residents of Tihar Jail in Delhi. A rainwater harvesting system has been installed in the prison with technical assistance from New Delhi-based non-governmental organisation (ngo) Centre for Science and Environment. Tihar Jail is one of the largest prisons in the world.

The ngo Scope Plus, which has been working in Tihar for the past several years, initiated the process in Ward 1 and 13 with active support from the prison authorities. The Rs 20,000 required for the implementation of the project was given by soft drink multinational company Coca-Cola, while the jail inmates themselves provided the labour.

Prison officials and prisoners were sensitised about the significance of rainwater conservation through workshops before the actual work began. Ward 1 lies in a low-lying area with a flat roof. The roof and surface runoffs are diverted into a percolation pit. The roof outlets for ward 13 are inter-connected to a common point, where the water is filtered and recharged.

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