
Discovering the starlet

Discovering the starlet for the first time, astronomers have observed a very young galaxy. This observation could offer crucial clues about one of the most complicated puzzles of modern cosmology that pertains to the formation of structure in the universe. Though, in the past, several theories have been evolved about the formation of galaxies and other objects in the universe after the big bang, none of them have been very convincing.

The galaxy, termed ms 1512-cb 58 s, was recently discovered by S Savaglio of Italy-based Rome Astronomical Observatory and her team working at the European Southern Observatory located in Chile. According to the astronomers, ms 1512-cb 58 s is about 12 billion years old, and when it was formed the universe was about three billion years old.

One of the most interesting things about our universe is that the farther we look into space, the earlier we look into time. This is a consequence of the finite speed of light