Scaling up renewable energy in Developing Countries: finance and investment perspectives
This latest paper focuses on the challenges concerning finance and investments in renewable energy. Says that financiers and policymakers need to work much more closely together, to develop the agenda required to deliver scaled up capital flows into renewable energy.
Scaling up the use of renewable energy is a key plank of building a genuinely low carbon energy system. This is needed to deliver both significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions, greater energy security and resilience to volatile fuel prices, as well as access to modern energy. Accessing greater finance and investment will be decisive to achieve higher levels of
renewable energy (RE) uptake in developing countries. This paper aims to provide an evidence-base from private sector financiers involved in developing countries (described as emerging markets) identifying issues faced in making RE investments in the 2008-2009 period. This provides a basis for understanding conditions for scaling up investment in renewable energy. The focus is on scaled-up implementation of available RE technologies, rather than early-stage technology development.