
Tragedy of errors

the error while measuring the height of a dam has landed the 1500 mw Nathpa Jhakri Power Project near Shimla into a quagmire. After spending 13 years in getting the necessary clearances done, the ministry of power, the Himachal government and the Central Electricity Authority (cea) are now faced with a problem of a different kind.

When work on the njpc started in 1994, the civil contractors discovered a measurement error of two metres, for which the government surveyors are responsible, and a calculation error of another two metres, for which the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board and the njpp are to be blamed.

This makes the dam four metres shorter than the original figure of 60.5 metres. As a result, the maximum power that could be produced by the dam has almost halved.Furthermore, faced with the possibility of abandoning the project midway, the state government and cea has to decide immediately on the final height of the dam.

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