
Owen Corning to settle all claims on asbestos damage

  • 29/06/2006

The largest ever settlement for pollution caused by asbestos was made on May 10, 2006, when the world's largest producer of insulation products agreed to a payout.

Owen Corning announced a us $5.2 billion agreement to settle all present and future claims on asbestos damage and to protect itself from bankruptcy without any further obligations. The company also has to pay around us $2.27 billion to its debt holders.

Reports say Owen Corning faces over 180,000 claims already and could face well over half a million more in future because of the damage caused by asbestos insulation sold by the company between the 1950s and the 1970s.

The company will deposit us $4.29 billion in cash into a trust for people adversely affected by asbestos and also give 28.6 million shares to the trust once it emerges from bankruptcy.