
Karma Police
This site comes with a recommendation from Greenpeace Magazine that says "Karma Banque offers a radical, new protest platform on the Internet.' Here is a website that gives surfers the opportunity to read and voice their opinions on various activism-related issues such as environmentalism, sustainability, animal rights and corporate monopoly.

Probably the most fascinating feature of this site is its "Boycott' section, where members are invited to vote for boycotting a company of their choice. Presently, Microsoft has the dubious distinction of being on top of the boycott list, due to its monopolisation of the software industry, "predatory pricing, buying out their competition and of course, using their operating system unfairly to stifle competition,' resulting in fewer innovations.

Other villains on this site are The Walt Disney Company for encouraging intellectual property laws undermining free speech, Exxon Mobil Corporation for not giving a "damn about global warming' and World Wrestling for promoting violence in homes. This site, to put it in its own words, claims to be "at the center of a new movement that combines the civil disobedience of Gandhi with the financial savvy of George Soros to change the economic and political landscape of the world!'

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