
Tune in to cycles

an anti-auto movement in Canada has the people humming. The campaign was recently launched to wean more Canadians from the polluting automobile and encourage them to take to the eco-friendly bicycle. The other objective was to cheer up battle-weary environmentalists who were fighting drastic budget cuts on the environmental departments, the elimination of funding programmes and the relaxation of environmental regulations.

Cycle groups across the country like Song Cycles in Toronto, Recycle Cycles in Waterloo and Bicycle Works in Ontario, decided to bring a smile to their lips by cycling around the streets and singing paeans in favour of bicycles. The songs are actually adapted versions of popular songs and tunes, like Beethoven's Ode to Joy or Handel's Hallelujah Chorus or Harry Belafonte's Day-O . The lyrics, which are light, witty and pithy, could leave the most hardened environmental cynic smiling. Says Michael Torreiter, co-founder of Recycle Cycles, "We are promoting cycles as an ecological mode of transportation.'

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